Well, folks, can you tell my vacation ended? This was my first week back at work. I havent posted at all this week!!!! There is quite a bit to catch up on, but last nights bit was quite funny.
Some friends and I gathered at a downtown restaurant to celebrate a birthday. As the evening ensued, we got to talking about the "updates" on each others lives. You know, the casual "what is the deal with your life" questioning. Which loosely translated means "who are/arent you dating, how is work, etc."
As we went around the circle of 5, we discussed dating, employment and the general lack of noise in our social lives. When it came my turn, I tried to minimize my ambivalent situation by using the ol' bait and switch tactic. (I learned to hone that skill during my political days...) I simply stated that life was fine and that I wasnt dating anyone. Then I tried to move it along to the next person.
They wanted to know just what was going on with work.
It was too hard to keep the natural fall of words from tumbling out. After a brief explanation I sumised that I needed a new job, was trying to decide if I wanted to go back to school, how to be a musician, and if I wanted to stay in Sac. But, I mean, life is good. I laughed. Everyone laughed.
I said, pretty much I am in transition. Big unknown transition.
Then one of the girls asked "When do we arrive?"
Folks, we dont.
Then another friend commented "I work with high risk inmates in a maximum detention facility. I just got my engagement broken off for unknown reasons and I live in the small town of Merced. I've arrived."
Yep. Thats the story of us 20 & 30- somethings.
I'll let you know when I have arrived.