Tribute to my father

>> Sunday, June 21, 2009

Today is a day we celebrate Fathers. Publicly.

I have always felt a little funny about these types of holidays. Not because I dont love or appreciate my father, but because I feel like that celebration should be more than just a perfunctory holiday. (that word is for you dad). I hope that my father knows of my love and appreciation on a day-to-day basis, not just once a year.

Since today is a day of celebration & honor, I want to express those things towards my father.

He has loved me - unconditionally, even when I didnt know how to return that love, what that love meant or even how to hug. A patient man. He has taught me how to garden, use tools, build and fix things, expand on my creative ideas and how to maintain dignity. I have learned to temper myself as I watch him hold his tongue in situations where words would be an easy, but destructive comeback. I have learned to be strong and resolute, to believe in myself and to enjoy the rich blessings of the gospel & of service.

These are a few of my favorite things. Oh, yes. Music. I have enjoyed the Simmons tradition of bursting into song frequently. And making up lyrics to well-known songs to suit the situation. I have appreciated his dry humor, comical antics, wonderful bear hugs, delicious cooking and a whole lot more.

I would write more, but I cant for two reasons. One, he's not dead. Its simply Fathers day. We're not memorializing him folks! And two, I have church responsibilities to run off too. I am after all, his daugher and a "Simmons girl" which brings responsibility and active participation in life & in the chuch.

So, I love you dad and hope that my well-lived life is a tribute to your Fatherhood.


Mom/Cindy June 24, 2009 at 1:29 PM  

That was a nice tribute to Dad, Shan. Thanks for loving all the good things he is and does. Love ya, Mom

Grampa Doug June 24, 2009 at 1:56 PM  

Making a comment on a tribute to me seems a little self-serving, but I feel an obligation to respond. First, thank you for listing my best qualities and avoiding my faults. Second, you are easy to love; bright, vulnerable, seeking, striving, strong, believing, talented. Every day I'm trying to be what you think I am. It keeps me striving. Thank you for the life you are leading. Thank you for what you will become. You are my only reward for trying to measure-up to your image of me.
Love Elderdoug

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