Liberty & Tolerance - my thoughts on Prop 8

>> Monday, October 13, 2008

I wish to express some of my thoughts and opinions regarding my generation, the current world condition and the importance of a yes vote on Prop 8. Most importantly I hope to share my passion and fire to help others take a stand and take action.

Some of the things I say may be considered bold. I wish to be bold as I feel the time for quiet, passive observation is well past.  In any fight, there are sides that must be taken, as sitting in the middle will surely destroy or at least neutralize any impact that middle person may have had on the outcome of the fight. 

I do wish to be clear that I am a tolerant person. I accept all people - no matter their color, gender, sexual orientation, economic standing or religious persuasion. I have friends that fit into all types of categories.  However, I do not tolerate all actions, beliefs or conditions. This is my liberty. This is each Americans liberty - that same liberty our Founding Fathers fought for and the same liberty that was exacted at an excruciating price. This is the liberty to believe how I choose and the liberty to then fight to maintain that belief.

Part 1

Many years ago, Californians gathered together and as a collective voice, voted yes for Prop. 22. This proposition maintained marriage to be between a man and a woman.  Just this year, 4 judges overturned the voice of the people and established prop 22 unconstitutional.  While they have that authority, the decision they made was wrong. Prop 8 gives us, the people, an opportunity to exercise our right and responsibility to vote and reclaim the voice we established with prop 22.

Part 2

Now for the issue these judges overturned. I am concerned regarding this issue.  You should be as well.  The majority of California wants to maintain marriage to be between a man and woman. That was what DOMA and Prop 22 were all about. Many social and religious organizations were and are in support of that definition. There is a minority that wishes for the opposite view. They have that right to feel differently.  But, just as the courts wrongly declared prop 22 as unconstitutional, the opposition wants to wrongly convince us that same-gender marriage is right.

My belief is that marriage is between a man and a woman. Prop 8 would change the California constitution to include that wording.

Currently, those who are in a domestic partnership (homosexual) receive all the same legal, financial (including tax benefits) and social benefits that a married couple would receive.  I am not fighting to change that. There is no added benefit to homosexual marriage, but there are ramifications. With the legalization of homosexual marriage, there are a few major doors that are opened.


  1. Curriculum in schools would be changed to include a new definition of marriage. Additionally, children would be taught sex Ed regarding homosexuality as early as grade school.
  2. Religious adoption agencies could be sued for not placing children with same sex parents – regardless of their religious views. This has already happened in other states and the Catholic Church shut down their adoption agency because they would not comply.
  3. Religious tax-exempt status would be challenged and revoked if churches spoke against homosexual marriages or against homosexuality, or refused to perform homosexual marriages. These actions would be considered hate speech and hate crimes.


Does this sound right? Does this sound tolerant? A religious organization being sued, or their tax status revoked because they preach their beliefs? This is not tolerance my friends.  This is not liberty. This is injustice!

Please stand with me to support traditional marriage. Please stand with me to support liberty.  A yes vote on Prop 8 will not revoke or hurt our homosexual friends – we will still be maintaining their liberty and maintaining tolerant behavior. But, a no passage will hurt so many people and organizations and will perpetuate intolerant behavior.

We must not be fooled into apathy. We must not be diminished by fear or feelings of inadequacy.  This is our time. This is our fight.  These are not the wars of our fathers, but the current battles of our generation and the outcome will shape our future.  Mark my words, we must do something or we will be neutralized, standing in the middle with our hands to our side.

There is much social talk of global warming, world peace, green energy, social responsibility, finding a cure, stopping violence, bringing our troops home, etc. These are tumultuous times. There is much commotion and much chaos. We can make a difference. If we, the younger generation, stand together we can create positive change. We can make a difference and we must. We must look to our future and bear the responsibility and liberty that is ours.

Please comment on this post and post it to your facebook or other networking site If you support these views.

Thank you & may God support us as we maintain His law of traditional marriage,


Shannon Simmons


Rodney&Sara+4 October 31, 2008 at 1:35 PM  

You do a fantastic job of putting into words the feelings of many regarding this issue. Thank you for being such a good example and not sitting on the fence.

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