Space Bags...

>> Thursday, July 30, 2009

My post for the day is to state simply that packing is no fun. I am up to my ears in "stuff" (sorry mr. speakman for the usage of that word) and feeling very indulgent with the amount of possessions I have.  I am committed to a thorough purge and then a tight belt on any future acquisitions... 

The one redeeming aspect of this day has been the really cool space bags. You know the ones that are on infomercials. I usually have zero faith or participation with infomericals (except to mock them) but I must put a high-quality word in for these gems. Its very entertaining to fill the bag up, rev up the vacuum and watch the bag shrink. Very entertaining.

Now I go back to working on paring down the things that I have collected over the last 5 years...


Grampa Doug July 31, 2009 at 12:30 PM  

Love the blog and the ideas. Keep it up.
Dad & Mom

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