Circus! Circus!

>> Wednesday, September 15, 2010

If I'd known the circus was as cool as the Cirque de Soleil, I would have joined it years ago!

When speaking of fantastic and artistic inspiration, this was the place to be.  I don't want to spoil the show for anyone, but it was so rich in color and details.

A friend of mine celebrated his birthday by organizing a group of people to go to the show.  After quite an adventure driving there (i know, i know, following directions is always an adventure for me!) my roomie and I ended up being late.  BUT, this worked to our advantage.  The nice guy helping people to their seats actually ushered us to the middle section about 4 rows from the front.  This was a lot closer than the back of house seats we bought in to. Woohoo! Surprise and de-light!

It was a magical evening filled with colorful fanciful costuming, imagery, french music and an allure I cant describe.  

Needless to say I was renewed in my creative adventures and will be attending the Cirque de Soliel whenever possible.

Here are a couple after pics!


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