early morning poetry

>> Saturday, May 23, 2009

the start of my vacation
is a glorious sensation
its sweet intoxication
worthy of notation
no need for an ovation
i called a celebration
all in anticipation
of this brief emancipation
from routine obligation

ill spend it with relations
and work on some notation
and gardening gestation

ill post my qualification
with some excellent foundations
in hopes of accommodation
for a great new avocation

some musical formation
will complete this dissertation
(or rather an enumeration)
of my grand expectation
for this brief extrication

a longer description
for this time of elation
will wait for a continuation
on a later annotation

now i need hibernation
and a change of elevation
so i close this salutation
and wish you jubilation
till our next communication



Mom/Cindy May 26, 2009 at 10:12 AM  

Wow! I'm impressed. Enjoy your vacation. Love ya, Mom

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