A funny thing happened on the way to the theatre (no, really it did!)

>> Friday, May 29, 2009

Tonight was a fantastic evening!

My friend Heidi celebrated her birthday with tickets to the Lion King at the Sacramento Community center. She knows I love and appreciate the theatre, so she invited me to come along. What a fantastic show. The puppetry and costuming is incredible. We both were like children, on the edge of our seats, waiting for the next surprise on the stage. I cant decide what my favorite part was. I really fell in love with Rafiki - her voice was beautiful! The birds and giraffes were so masterfully done, I forgot they were puppets. It was well worth the investment. It is an experience that will stay with me for a long time!

That being said, the funniest thing truly did happen on the way to the show! Heidi and I were walking a couple blocks away from the Convention Center and we happened to cross the street at the same time a unique black man did. I was wearing heels (after all I was going to a show) and the first thing out of this guys mouth was:

"Girl, you been doin' too much in those shoes. Girl."

>>eh, akward!<<

We ignored him.

He asked how we were. We continued to ignore him. Then he took the conversation to an entirely new level by posing this question:

"Girl, can I have one of your shoes?"

>>I'm going to have to say no to that. Pretty sure the Community Center has a no shoes, no service policy. Besides, what would he do with one shoe? Maybe I should just carry an extra one in my purse for strange encounters such as this was.<<<

We told him we were in a hurry.

Like I said, a funny thing happened on the way to the theatre.


Mom/Cindy May 30, 2009 at 10:24 PM  

I'm glad you got to go. I loved the sets,too, when we saw it a few years ago. Love ya.

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